If you have ever noticed a build-up of dust and dirt on your vertical window blinds, it’s time to give them a good clean. Vertical blinds me attract less dirt and dust than any other type, but they still need a clean every now and then. To help you refresh your blinds and keep them in a good condition, we have listed down a simple guide on how you can clean vertical blinds easily at home.
What to Know Before You Begin?
Before you start cleaning your vertical blinds, you will want to double check which material they are made from. Fabric vertical blinds can be washed by hands or in the washing machine, while wooden blinds shouldn’t be soaked at all. It’s also a good idea to read the manufacturer's note to see whether you can use a machine to wash your blinds or not. In this article we have focused on how you can wash your vertical blinds made from fabric. Here are the important steps you can follow at home to wash vertical blinds in the easiest and most effective way.
Remove Blinds and Clean Headrail:
The first step in cleaning your vertical blinds is to remove them from the head real. While you can dust and spot clean with your blinds still attached, this allows you to give the headrail a deep clean at the same time. Plus, it can be easier to soak all your blinds at once in the bath or washing machine then clean them one by one while still attached. To get started, unhook your blind louvres from the headrail. Gently take your louvres down and lay them down flat so that you can clean the headrail. Grab your microfibre cloth or duster and remove the dust from the headrail.
Dust Your Blinds:
With everything laid out in front of you, use your microfibre cloth or gently remove dust for me vertical blinds. A damp cloth should pick up the dust nicely, but you can also use a traditional feather duster or any other cleaning cloth. Start from the top to bottom so that you can capture all the dust and don’t go over areas you have already cleaned. To help remove all the dust, use your vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. Run this over your blinds from top to bottom on both sides until they’re completely free from dust and debris.
Wash Blinds in Warm Water:
Now there is no dust left on your blinds, it’s time to wash them. For this, you will either want to fill a bath with warm water or use your washing machine on a 30°C wash setting. Before you begin, always check whether you answer machine washable or not. To wash your blinds in the bathtub, firstly fill the tub with a mixture of warm water and a mild soap or detergent. Now gently wash your blinds in warm water until they look clean. Be careful to avoid hot water, as this can damage blinds, and make sure any detergents you use are suitable for gentle fabrics. Sometimes you will notice stubborn stains on your blinds, use a sponge and soapy water to gently clean away all these stains. It can be tempting to use bleach, but this can also damage your fabric. If you wish to use the stain remover, first spotted in a hidden area to check if it is suitable or not.
Lay Blinds Out to Dry:
With your blinds clean and tidy, you will want to let them out to drive. Firstly you should avoid hanging them to dry, and instead, find a space where you can easily lay them on a flat surface. This will help them to maintain their usual shape and prevent damage. And, if you need your lines to dry quickly, try using a hairdryer on a cool setting. Don’t be tempted to put your blinds in the tumble dryer – the heat and seriously damage your vertical blinds.